


#version 150
#define MAXBONES 128
#define DIRLIGHT 
#define NOUV 
#define PERPIXEL 
#define SHADOW 
#define SKINNED 
#define GL3
// Use of constant buffers on OpenGL 3 commented out for now as it seems to be slower in practice
//#define USE_CBUFFERS

#if !defined(GL3) || !defined(USE_CBUFFERS)

// OpenGL 2 uniforms (no constant buffers)


// Vertex shader uniforms
uniform vec3 cAmbientStartColor;
uniform vec3 cAmbientEndColor;
uniform mat3 cBillboardRot;
uniform vec3 cCameraPos;
uniform float cNearClip;
uniform float cFarClip;
uniform vec4 cDepthMode;
uniform vec3 cFrustumSize;
uniform float cDeltaTime;
uniform float cElapsedTime;
uniform vec4 cGBufferOffsets;
uniform vec4 cLightPos;
uniform vec3 cLightDir;
uniform vec4 cNormalOffsetScale;
uniform mat4 cModel;
uniform mat4 cView;
uniform mat4 cViewInv;
uniform mat4 cViewProj;
uniform vec4 cUOffset;
uniform vec4 cVOffset;
uniform mat4 cZone;
#if !defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL)
    uniform mat4 cLightMatrices[4];
    uniform highp mat4 cLightMatrices[2];
#ifdef SKINNED
    uniform vec4 cSkinMatrices[MAXBONES*3];
    uniform vec4 cVertexLights[4*3];
#ifdef GL3
    uniform vec4 cClipPlane;


// Fragment shader uniforms
#ifdef GL_ES
    precision mediump float;

uniform vec4 cAmbientColor;
uniform vec3 cCameraPosPS;
uniform float cDeltaTimePS;
uniform vec4 cDepthReconstruct;
uniform float cElapsedTimePS;
uniform vec4 cFogParams;
uniform vec3 cFogColor;
uniform vec2 cGBufferInvSize;
uniform vec4 cLightColor;
uniform vec4 cLightPosPS;
uniform vec3 cLightDirPS;
uniform vec4 cNormalOffsetScalePS;
uniform vec4 cMatDiffColor;
uniform vec3 cMatEmissiveColor;
uniform vec3 cMatEnvMapColor;
uniform vec4 cMatSpecColor;
#ifdef PBR
    uniform float cRoughness;
    uniform float cMetallic;
    uniform float cLightRad;
    uniform float cLightLength;
uniform vec3 cZoneMin;
uniform vec3 cZoneMax;
uniform float cNearClipPS;
uniform float cFarClipPS;
uniform vec4 cShadowCubeAdjust;
uniform vec4 cShadowDepthFade;
uniform vec2 cShadowIntensity;
uniform vec2 cShadowMapInvSize;
uniform vec4 cShadowSplits;
uniform mat4 cLightMatricesPS[4];
uniform vec2 cVSMShadowParams;


// OpenGL 3 uniforms (using constant buffers)


uniform FrameVS
    float cDeltaTime;
    float cElapsedTime;

uniform CameraVS
    vec3 cCameraPos;
    float cNearClip;
    float cFarClip;
    vec4 cDepthMode;
    vec3 cFrustumSize;
    vec4 cGBufferOffsets;
    mat4 cView;
    mat4 cViewInv;
    mat4 cViewProj;
    vec4 cClipPlane;

uniform ZoneVS
    vec3 cAmbientStartColor;
    vec3 cAmbientEndColor;
    mat4 cZone;

uniform LightVS
    vec4 cLightPos;
    vec3 cLightDir;
    vec4 cNormalOffsetScale;
    vec4 cVertexLights[4 * 3];
    mat4 cLightMatrices[4];

uniform MaterialVS
    vec4 cUOffset;
    vec4 cVOffset;

uniform ObjectVS
    mat4 cModel;
    mat3 cBillboardRot;
#ifdef SKINNED
    uniform vec4 cSkinMatrices[MAXBONES*3];



// Pixel shader uniforms
uniform FramePS
    float cDeltaTimePS;
    float cElapsedTimePS;

uniform CameraPS
    vec3 cCameraPosPS;
    vec4 cDepthReconstruct;
    vec2 cGBufferInvSize;
    float cNearClipPS;
    float cFarClipPS;

uniform ZonePS
    vec4 cAmbientColor;
    vec4 cFogParams;
    vec3 cFogColor;
    vec3 cZoneMin;
    vec3 cZoneMax;

uniform LightPS
    vec4 cLightColor;
    vec4 cLightPosPS;
    vec3 cLightDirPS;
    vec4 cNormalOffsetScalePS;
    vec4 cShadowCubeAdjust;
    vec4 cShadowDepthFade;
    vec2 cShadowIntensity;
    vec2 cShadowMapInvSize;
    vec4 cShadowSplits;
    mat4 cLightMatricesPS[4];
    vec2 cVSMShadowParams;
#ifdef PBR
    float cLightRad;
    float cLightLength;

uniform MaterialPS
    vec4 cMatDiffColor;
    vec3 cMatEmissiveColor;
    vec3 cMatEnvMapColor;
    vec4 cMatSpecColor;
#ifdef PBR
    float cRoughness;
    float cMetallic;



uniform sampler2D sDiffMap;
uniform samplerCube sDiffCubeMap;
uniform sampler2D sNormalMap;
uniform sampler2D sSpecMap;
uniform sampler2D sEmissiveMap;
uniform sampler2D sEnvMap;
uniform samplerCube sEnvCubeMap;
uniform sampler2D sLightRampMap;
uniform sampler2D sLightSpotMap;
uniform samplerCube sLightCubeMap;
#ifndef GL_ES
    uniform sampler3D sVolumeMap;
    uniform sampler2D sAlbedoBuffer;
    uniform sampler2D sNormalBuffer;
    uniform sampler2D sDepthBuffer;
    uniform sampler2D sLightBuffer;
    #ifdef VSM_SHADOW
        uniform sampler2D sShadowMap;
        uniform sampler2DShadow sShadowMap;
    uniform samplerCube sFaceSelectCubeMap;
    uniform samplerCube sIndirectionCubeMap;
    uniform samplerCube sZoneCubeMap;
    uniform sampler3D sZoneVolumeMap;
    uniform highp sampler2D sShadowMap;

#ifdef GL3
#define texture2D texture
#define texture2DProj textureProj
#define texture3D texture
#define textureCube texture
#define texture2DLod textureLod
#define texture2DLodOffset textureLodOffset

vec3 DecodeNormal(vec4 normalInput)
        vec3 normal;
        normal.xy = normalInput.ag * 2.0 - 1.0;
        normal.z = sqrt(max(1.0 - dot(normal.xy, normal.xy), 0.0));
        return normal;
        return normalize(normalInput.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0);

vec3 EncodeDepth(float depth)
    #ifndef GL3
        vec3 ret;
        depth *= 255.0;
        ret.x = floor(depth);
        depth = (depth - ret.x) * 255.0;
        ret.y = floor(depth);
        ret.z = (depth - ret.y);
        ret.xy *= 1.0 / 255.0;
        return ret;
        // OpenGL 3 can use different MRT formats, so no need for encoding
        return vec3(depth, 0.0, 0.0);

float DecodeDepth(vec3 depth)
    #ifndef GL3
        const vec3 dotValues = vec3(1.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0));
        return dot(depth, dotValues);
        // OpenGL 3 can use different MRT formats, so no need for encoding
        return depth.r;

float ReconstructDepth(float hwDepth)
    return dot(vec2(hwDepth, cDepthReconstruct.y / (hwDepth - cDepthReconstruct.x)), cDepthReconstruct.zw);


// Silence WARNING: Shader ... does not use the define NOUV
#ifdef NOUV

// Silence GLSL 150 deprecation warnings
#ifdef GL3
#define attribute in
#define varying out

attribute vec4 iPos;
attribute vec3 iNormal;
attribute vec4 iColor;
attribute vec2 iTexCoord;
attribute vec2 iTexCoord1;
attribute vec4 iTangent;
attribute vec4 iBlendWeights;
attribute vec4 iBlendIndices;
attribute vec3 iCubeTexCoord;
attribute vec4 iCubeTexCoord1;
    attribute vec4 iTexCoord4;
    attribute vec4 iTexCoord5;
    attribute vec4 iTexCoord6;
attribute float iObjectIndex;

#ifdef SKINNED
mat4 GetSkinMatrix(vec4 blendWeights, vec4 blendIndices)
    ivec4 idx = ivec4(blendIndices) * 3;
    const vec4 lastColumn = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    return mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.x], cSkinMatrices[idx.x + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.x + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.x +
        mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.y], cSkinMatrices[idx.y + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.y + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.y +
        mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.z], cSkinMatrices[idx.z + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.z + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.z +
        mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.w], cSkinMatrices[idx.w + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.w + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.w;

mat4 GetInstanceMatrix()
    const vec4 lastColumn = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    return mat4(iTexCoord4, iTexCoord5, iTexCoord6, lastColumn);

mat3 GetNormalMatrix(mat4 modelMatrix)
    return mat3(modelMatrix[0].xyz, modelMatrix[1].xyz, modelMatrix[2].xyz);

vec2 GetTexCoord(vec2 texCoord)
    return vec2(dot(texCoord, cUOffset.xy) + cUOffset.w, dot(texCoord, cVOffset.xy) + cVOffset.w);

vec4 GetClipPos(vec3 worldPos)
    vec4 ret = vec4(worldPos, 1.0) * cViewProj;
    // While getting the clip coordinate, also automatically set gl_ClipVertex for user clip planes
    #if !defined(GL_ES) && !defined(GL3)
        gl_ClipVertex = ret;
    #elif defined(GL3)
        gl_ClipDistance[0] = dot(cClipPlane, ret);
    return ret;

float GetZonePos(vec3 worldPos)
    return clamp((vec4(worldPos, 1.0) * cZone).z, 0.0, 1.0);

float GetDepth(vec4 clipPos)
    return dot(clipPos.zw, cDepthMode.zw);

vec3 GetBillboardPos(vec4 iPos, vec2 iSize, mat4 modelMatrix)
    return (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz + vec3(iSize.x, iSize.y, 0.0) * cBillboardRot;

vec3 GetBillboardNormal()
    return vec3(-cBillboardRot[0][2], -cBillboardRot[1][2], -cBillboardRot[2][2]);

mat3 GetFaceCameraRotation(vec3 position, vec3 direction)
    vec3 cameraDir = normalize(position - cCameraPos);
    vec3 front = normalize(direction);
    vec3 right = normalize(cross(front, cameraDir));
    vec3 up = normalize(cross(front, right));

    return mat3(
        right.x, up.x, front.x,
        right.y, up.y, front.y,
        right.z, up.z, front.z

vec3 GetBillboardPos(vec4 iPos, vec3 iDirection, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 worldPos = (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz;
    return worldPos + vec3(iTexCoord1.x, 0.0, iTexCoord1.y) * GetFaceCameraRotation(worldPos, iDirection);

vec3 GetBillboardNormal(vec4 iPos, vec3 iDirection, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 worldPos = (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz;
    return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * GetFaceCameraRotation(worldPos, iDirection);

vec3 GetTrailPos(vec4 iPos, vec3 iFront, float iScale, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 up = normalize(cCameraPos - iPos.xyz);
    vec3 right = normalize(cross(iFront, up));
    return (vec4((iPos.xyz + right * iScale), 1.0) * modelMatrix).xyz;

vec3 GetTrailNormal(vec4 iPos)
    return normalize(cCameraPos - iPos.xyz);

vec3 GetTrailPos(vec4 iPos, vec3 iParentPos, float iScale, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 right = iParentPos - iPos.xyz;
    return (vec4((iPos.xyz + right * iScale), 1.0) * modelMatrix).xyz;

vec3 GetTrailNormal(vec4 iPos, vec3 iParentPos, vec3 iForward)
    vec3 left = normalize(iPos.xyz - iParentPos);
    vec3 up = normalize(cross(normalize(iForward), left));
    return up;

#if defined(SKINNED)
    #define iModelMatrix GetSkinMatrix(iBlendWeights, iBlendIndices)
#elif defined(INSTANCED)
    #define iModelMatrix GetInstanceMatrix()
    #define iModelMatrix cModel

vec3 GetWorldPos(mat4 modelMatrix)
    #if defined(BILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardPos(iPos, iTexCoord1, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(DIRBILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardPos(iPos, iNormal, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(TRAILFACECAM)
        return GetTrailPos(iPos, iTangent.xyz, iTangent.w, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(TRAILBONE)
        return GetTrailPos(iPos, iTangent.xyz, iTangent.w, modelMatrix);
        return (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz;

vec3 GetWorldNormal(mat4 modelMatrix)
    #if defined(BILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardNormal();
    #elif defined(DIRBILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardNormal(iPos, iNormal, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(TRAILFACECAM)
        return GetTrailNormal(iPos);
    #elif defined(TRAILBONE)
        return GetTrailNormal(iPos, iTangent.xyz, iNormal);
        return normalize(iNormal * GetNormalMatrix(modelMatrix));

vec4 GetWorldTangent(mat4 modelMatrix)
    #if defined(BILLBOARD)
        return vec4(normalize(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * cBillboardRot), 1.0);
    #elif defined(DIRBILLBOARD)
        return vec4(normalize(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * GetNormalMatrix(modelMatrix)), 1.0);
        return vec4(normalize(iTangent.xyz * GetNormalMatrix(modelMatrix)), iTangent.w);


// Silence GLSL 150 deprecation warnings
#ifdef GL3
#define varying in

#ifndef MRT_COUNT

#if defined(DEFERRED)
#define MRT_COUNT 4
#elif defined(PREPASS)
#define MRT_COUNT 2
#define MRT_COUNT 1


out vec4 fragData[MRT_COUNT];

#define gl_FragColor fragData[0]
#define gl_FragData fragData


mat3 GetCameraRot()
    return mat3(cViewInv[0][0], cViewInv[0][1], cViewInv[0][2],
        cViewInv[1][0], cViewInv[1][1], cViewInv[1][2],
        cViewInv[2][0], cViewInv[2][1], cViewInv[2][2]);

vec4 GetScreenPos(vec4 clipPos)
    return vec4(
        clipPos.x * cGBufferOffsets.z + cGBufferOffsets.x * clipPos.w,
        clipPos.y * cGBufferOffsets.w + cGBufferOffsets.y * clipPos.w,

vec2 GetScreenPosPreDiv(vec4 clipPos)
    return vec2(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * cGBufferOffsets.z + cGBufferOffsets.x,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * cGBufferOffsets.w + cGBufferOffsets.y);

vec2 GetQuadTexCoord(vec4 clipPos)
    return vec2(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * 0.5 + 0.5,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * 0.5 + 0.5);

vec2 GetQuadTexCoordNoFlip(vec3 worldPos)
    return vec2(
        worldPos.x * 0.5 + 0.5,
        -worldPos.y * 0.5 + 0.5);

vec3 GetFarRay(vec4 clipPos)
    vec3 viewRay = vec3(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.x,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.y,

    return viewRay * GetCameraRot();

vec3 GetNearRay(vec4 clipPos)
    vec3 viewRay = vec3(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.x,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.y,

    return (viewRay * GetCameraRot()) * cDepthMode.x;

vec3 GetAmbient(float zonePos)
    return cAmbientStartColor + zonePos * cAmbientEndColor;

float GetVertexLight(int index, vec3 worldPos, vec3 normal)
    vec3 lightDir = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].xyz;
    vec3 lightPos = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].xyz;
    float invRange = cVertexLights[index * 3].w;
    float cutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].w;
    float invCutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].w;

    // Directional light
    if (invRange == 0.0)
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            float NdotL = abs(dot(normal, lightDir));
            float NdotL = max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);
        return NdotL;
    // Point/spot light
        vec3 lightVec = (lightPos - worldPos) * invRange;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        vec3 localDir = lightVec / lightDist;
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            float NdotL = abs(dot(normal, localDir));
            float NdotL = max(dot(normal, localDir), 0.0);
        float atten = clamp(1.0 - lightDist * lightDist, 0.0, 1.0);
        float spotEffect = dot(localDir, lightDir);
        float spotAtten = clamp((spotEffect - cutoff) * invCutoff, 0.0, 1.0);
        return NdotL * atten * spotAtten;

float GetVertexLightVolumetric(int index, vec3 worldPos)
    vec3 lightDir = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].xyz;
    vec3 lightPos = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].xyz;
    float invRange = cVertexLights[index * 3].w;
    float cutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].w;
    float invCutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].w;

    // Directional light
    if (invRange == 0.0)
        return 1.0;
    // Point/spot light
        vec3 lightVec = (lightPos - worldPos) * invRange;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        vec3 localDir = lightVec / lightDist;
        float atten = clamp(1.0 - lightDist * lightDist, 0.0, 1.0);
        float spotEffect = dot(localDir, lightDir);
        float spotAtten = clamp((spotEffect - cutoff) * invCutoff, 0.0, 1.0);
        return atten * spotAtten;

#ifdef SHADOW

#if defined(DIRLIGHT) && (!defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL))
    #define NUMCASCADES 4
    #define NUMCASCADES 1

vec4 GetShadowPos(int index, vec3 normal, vec4 projWorldPos)
        float normalOffsetScale[4];
        normalOffsetScale[0] = cNormalOffsetScale.x;
        normalOffsetScale[1] = cNormalOffsetScale.y;
        normalOffsetScale[2] = cNormalOffsetScale.z;
        normalOffsetScale[3] = cNormalOffsetScale.w;

        #ifdef DIRLIGHT
            float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, cLightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
            float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, normalize(cLightPos.xyz - projWorldPos.xyz)), 0.0, 1.0);
        projWorldPos.xyz += cosAngle * normalOffsetScale[index] * normal;

    #if defined(DIRLIGHT)
        return projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[index];
    #elif defined(SPOTLIGHT)
        return projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[1];
        return vec4(projWorldPos.xyz - cLightPos.xyz, 1.0);


float GetDiffuse(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    #ifdef DIRLIGHT
        lightDir = cLightDirPS;
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            return abs(dot(normal, lightDir));
            return max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);
        vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        lightDir = lightVec / lightDist;
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            return abs(dot(normal, lightDir)) * texture2D(sLightRampMap, vec2(lightDist, 0.0)).r;
            return max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0) * texture2D(sLightRampMap, vec2(lightDist, 0.0)).r;

float GetAtten(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    lightDir = cLightDirPS;
    return clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0);

float GetAttenPoint(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
    float lightDist = length(lightVec);
    float falloff = pow(clamp(1.0 - pow(lightDist / 1.0, 4.0), 0.0, 1.0), 2.0) * 3.14159265358979323846 / (4.0 * 3.14159265358979323846)*(pow(lightDist, 2.0) + 1.0);
    lightDir = lightVec / lightDist;
    return clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0) * falloff;


float GetAttenSpot(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
    float lightDist = length(lightVec);
    float falloff = pow(clamp(1.0 - pow(lightDist / 1.0, 4.0), 0.0, 1.0), 2.0) / (pow(lightDist, 2.0) + 1.0);

    lightDir = lightVec / lightDist;
    return clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0) * falloff;


float GetDiffuseVolumetric(vec3 worldPos)
    #ifdef DIRLIGHT
        return 1.0;
        vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        return texture2D(sLightRampMap, vec2(lightDist, 0.0)).r;

float GetSpecular(vec3 normal, vec3 eyeVec, vec3 lightDir, float specularPower)
    vec3 halfVec = normalize(normalize(eyeVec) + lightDir);  
    return pow(max(dot(normal, halfVec), 0.0), specularPower);

float GetIntensity(vec3 color)
    return dot(color, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));

#ifdef SHADOW

#if defined(DIRLIGHT) && (!defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL))
    #define NUMCASCADES 4
    #define NUMCASCADES 1

float ReduceLightBleeding(float min, float p_max)  
    return clamp((p_max - min) / (1.0 - min), 0.0, 1.0);  

float Chebyshev(vec2 Moments, float depth)  
    //One-tailed inequality valid if depth > Moments.x  
    float p = float(depth <= Moments.x);  
    //Compute variance.  
    float Variance = Moments.y - (Moments.x * Moments.x); 

    float minVariance = cVSMShadowParams.x;
    Variance = max(Variance, minVariance);
    //Compute probabilistic upper bound.  
    float d = depth - Moments.x;  
    float p_max = Variance / (Variance + d*d); 
    // Prevent light bleeding
    p_max = ReduceLightBleeding(cVSMShadowParams.y, p_max);

    return max(p, p_max);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetShadow(vec4 shadowPos)
    #if defined(SIMPLE_SHADOW)
        // Take one sample
        #ifndef GL3
            float inLight = shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r;
            float inLight = textureProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos);
        return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * inLight;
    #elif defined(PCF_SHADOW)
        // Take four samples and average them
        // Note: in case of sampling a point light cube shadow, we optimize out the w divide as it has already been performed
        #ifndef POINTLIGHT
            vec2 offsets = cShadowMapInvSize * shadowPos.w;
            vec2 offsets = cShadowMapInvSize;
        #ifndef GL3
            return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * (shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r +
                shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x + offsets.x, shadowPos.yzw)).r +
                shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x, shadowPos.y + offsets.y, shadowPos.zw)).r +
                shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.xy + offsets.xy, shadowPos.zw)).r);
            return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * (textureProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos) +
                textureProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x + offsets.x, shadowPos.yzw)) +
                textureProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x, shadowPos.y + offsets.y, shadowPos.zw)) +
                textureProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.xy + offsets.xy, shadowPos.zw)));
    #elif defined(VSM_SHADOW)
        vec2 samples = texture2D(sShadowMap, shadowPos.xy / shadowPos.w).rg; 
        return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * Chebyshev(samples, shadowPos.z / shadowPos.w);
float GetShadow(highp vec4 shadowPos)
    #if defined(SIMPLE_SHADOW)
        // Take one sample
        return cShadowIntensity.y + (texture2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z ? cShadowIntensity.x : 0.0);
    #elif defined(PCF_SHADOW)
        // Take four samples and average them
        vec2 offsets = cShadowMapInvSize * shadowPos.w;
        vec4 inLight = vec4(
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z,
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x + offsets.x, shadowPos.yzw)).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z,
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x, shadowPos.y + offsets.y, shadowPos.zw)).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z,
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.xy + offsets.xy, shadowPos.zw)).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z
        return cShadowIntensity.y + dot(inLight, vec4(cShadowIntensity.x));
    #elif defined(VSM_SHADOW)
        vec2 samples = texture2D(sShadowMap, shadowPos.xy / shadowPos.w).rg; 
        return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * Chebyshev(samples, shadowPos.z / shadowPos.w);

float GetPointShadow(vec3 lightVec)
    vec3 axis = textureCube(sFaceSelectCubeMap, lightVec).rgb;
    float depth = abs(dot(lightVec, axis));

    // Expand the maximum component of the light vector to get full 0.0 - 1.0 UV range from the cube map,
    // and to avoid sampling across faces. Some GPU's filter across faces, while others do not, and in this
    // case filtering across faces is wrong
    const vec3 factor = vec3(1.0 / 256.0);
    lightVec += factor * axis * lightVec;

    // Read the 2D UV coordinates, adjust according to shadow map size and add face offset
    vec4 indirectPos = textureCube(sIndirectionCubeMap, lightVec);
    indirectPos.xy *= cShadowCubeAdjust.xy;
    indirectPos.xy += vec2(cShadowCubeAdjust.z + indirectPos.z * 0.5, cShadowCubeAdjust.w + indirectPos.w);

    vec4 shadowPos = vec4(indirectPos.xy, cShadowDepthFade.x + cShadowDepthFade.y / depth, 1.0);
    return GetShadow(shadowPos);

float GetDirShadowFade(float inLight, float depth)
    return min(inLight + max((depth - cShadowDepthFade.z) * cShadowDepthFade.w, 0.0), 1.0);

#if !defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL)
float GetDirShadow(const vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
    vec4 shadowPos;

    if (depth < cShadowSplits.x)
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[0];
    else if (depth < cShadowSplits.y)
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[1];
    else if (depth < cShadowSplits.z)
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[2];
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[3];
    return GetDirShadowFade(GetShadow(shadowPos), depth);
float GetDirShadow(const highp vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
    return GetDirShadowFade(GetShadow(iShadowPos[0]), depth);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetDirShadowDeferred(vec4 projWorldPos, vec3 normal, float depth)
    vec4 shadowPos;

        float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, cLightDirPS), 0.0, 1.0);
        if (depth < cShadowSplits.x)
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.x * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[0];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.y)
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.y * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[1];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.z)
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.z * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[2];
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.w * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[3];
        if (depth < cShadowSplits.x)
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[0];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.y)
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[1];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.z)
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[2];
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[3];

    return GetDirShadowFade(GetShadow(shadowPos), depth);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetShadow(const vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
float GetShadow(const highp vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
    #if defined(DIRLIGHT)
        return GetDirShadow(iShadowPos, depth);
    #elif defined(SPOTLIGHT)
        return GetShadow(iShadowPos[0]);
        return GetPointShadow(iShadowPos[0].xyz);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetShadowDeferred(vec4 projWorldPos, vec3 normal, float depth)
    #ifdef DIRLIGHT
        return GetDirShadowDeferred(projWorldPos, normal, depth);
        #ifdef NORMALOFFSET
            float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, normalize(cLightPosPS.xyz - projWorldPos.xyz)), 0.0, 1.0);
            projWorldPos.xyz += cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.x * normal;

        #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
            vec4 shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[1];
            return GetShadow(shadowPos);
            vec3 shadowPos = projWorldPos.xyz - cLightPosPS.xyz;
            return GetPointShadow(shadowPos);

vec3 GetFog(vec3 color, float fogFactor)
    return mix(cFogColor, color, fogFactor);

vec3 GetLitFog(vec3 color, float fogFactor)
    return color * fogFactor;

float GetFogFactor(float depth)
    return clamp((cFogParams.x - depth) * cFogParams.y, 0.0, 1.0);

float GetHeightFogFactor(float depth, float height)
    float fogFactor = GetFogFactor(depth);
    float heightFogFactor = (height - cFogParams.z) * cFogParams.w;
    heightFogFactor = 1.0 - clamp(exp(-(heightFogFactor * heightFogFactor)), 0.0, 1.0);
    return min(heightFogFactor, fogFactor);

    varying vec4 vTexCoord;
    varying vec4 vTangent;
    varying vec2 vTexCoord;
varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec4 vWorldPos;
    varying vec4 vColor;
    #ifdef SHADOW
        #ifndef GL_ES
            varying vec4 vShadowPos[NUMCASCADES];
            varying highp vec4 vShadowPos[NUMCASCADES];
    #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
        varying vec4 vSpotPos;
    #ifdef POINTLIGHT
        varying vec3 vCubeMaskVec;
    varying vec3 vVertexLight;
    varying vec4 vScreenPos;
    #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
        varying vec3 vReflectionVec;
    #if defined(LIGHTMAP) || defined(AO)
        varying vec2 vTexCoord2;

void main()
    mat4 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
    vec3 worldPos = GetWorldPos(modelMatrix);
    gl_Position = GetClipPos(worldPos);
    vNormal = GetWorldNormal(modelMatrix);
    vWorldPos = vec4(worldPos, GetDepth(gl_Position));

    #ifdef VERTEXCOLOR
        vColor = iColor;

    #ifdef NORMALMAP
        vec4 tangent = GetWorldTangent(modelMatrix);
        vec3 bitangent = cross(tangent.xyz, vNormal) * tangent.w;
        vTexCoord = vec4(GetTexCoord(iTexCoord), bitangent.xy);
        vTangent = vec4(tangent.xyz, bitangent.z);
        vTexCoord = GetTexCoord(iTexCoord);

    #ifdef PERPIXEL
        // Per-pixel forward lighting
        vec4 projWorldPos = vec4(worldPos, 1.0);

        #ifdef SHADOW
            // Shadow projection: transform from world space to shadow space
            for (int i = 0; i < NUMCASCADES; i++)
                vShadowPos[i] = GetShadowPos(i, vNormal, projWorldPos);

        #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
            // Spotlight projection: transform from world space to projector texture coordinates
            vSpotPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[0];
        #ifdef POINTLIGHT
            vCubeMaskVec = (worldPos - cLightPos.xyz) * mat3(cLightMatrices[0][0].xyz, cLightMatrices[0][1].xyz, cLightMatrices[0][2].xyz);
        // Ambient & per-vertex lighting
        #if defined(LIGHTMAP) || defined(AO)
            // If using lightmap, disregard zone ambient light
            // If using AO, calculate ambient in the PS
            vVertexLight = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            vTexCoord2 = iTexCoord1;
            vVertexLight = GetAmbient(GetZonePos(worldPos));
        #ifdef NUMVERTEXLIGHTS
            for (int i = 0; i < NUMVERTEXLIGHTS; ++i)
                vVertexLight += GetVertexLight(i, worldPos, vNormal) * cVertexLights[i * 3].rgb;
        vScreenPos = GetScreenPos(gl_Position);

        #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
            vReflectionVec = worldPos - cCameraPos;

/*void PS()
    // Get material diffuse albedo
    #ifdef DIFFMAP
        vec4 diffInput = texture2D(sDiffMap, vTexCoord.xy);
        #ifdef ALPHAMASK
            if (diffInput.a < 0.5)
        vec4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor * diffInput;
        vec4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor;

    #ifdef VERTEXCOLOR
        diffColor *= vColor;
    // Get material specular albedo
    #ifdef SPECMAP
        vec3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb * texture2D(sSpecMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
        vec3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb;

    // Get normal
    #ifdef NORMALMAP
        mat3 tbn = mat3(vTangent.xyz, vec3(vTexCoord.zw, vTangent.w), vNormal);
        vec3 normal = normalize(tbn * DecodeNormal(texture2D(sNormalMap, vTexCoord.xy)));
        vec3 normal = normalize(vNormal);

    // Get fog factor
    #ifdef HEIGHTFOG
        float fogFactor = GetHeightFogFactor(vWorldPos.w, vWorldPos.y);
        float fogFactor = GetFogFactor(vWorldPos.w);

    #if defined(PERPIXEL)
        // Per-pixel forward lighting
        vec3 lightColor;
        vec3 lightDir;
        vec3 finalColor;

        float diff = GetDiffuse(normal, vWorldPos.xyz, lightDir);

        #ifdef SHADOW
            diff *= GetShadow(vShadowPos, vWorldPos.w);
        #if defined(SPOTLIGHT)
            lightColor = vSpotPos.w > 0.0 ? texture2DProj(sLightSpotMap, vSpotPos).rgb * cLightColor.rgb : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        #elif defined(CUBEMASK)
            lightColor = textureCube(sLightCubeMap, vCubeMaskVec).rgb * cLightColor.rgb;
            lightColor = cLightColor.rgb;
        #ifdef SPECULAR
            float spec = GetSpecular(normal, cCameraPosPS - vWorldPos.xyz, lightDir, cMatSpecColor.a);
            finalColor = diff * lightColor * (diffColor.rgb + spec * specColor * cLightColor.a);
            finalColor = diff * lightColor * diffColor.rgb;

        #ifdef AMBIENT
            finalColor += cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
            gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
            gl_FragColor = vec4(GetLitFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
    #elif defined(PREPASS)
        // Fill light pre-pass G-Buffer
        float specPower = cMatSpecColor.a / 255.0;

        gl_FragData[0] = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, specPower);
        gl_FragData[1] = vec4(EncodeDepth(vWorldPos.w), 0.0);
    #elif defined(DEFERRED)
        // Fill deferred G-buffer
        float specIntensity = specColor.g;
        float specPower = cMatSpecColor.a / 255.0;

        vec3 finalColor = vVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef AO
            // If using AO, the vertex light ambient is black, calculate occluded ambient here
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;

        #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEnvMapColor * textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect(vReflectionVec, normal)).rgb;
        #ifdef LIGHTMAP
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef EMISSIVEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;

        gl_FragData[0] = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), 1.0);
        gl_FragData[1] = fogFactor * vec4(diffColor.rgb, specIntensity);
        gl_FragData[2] = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, specPower);
        gl_FragData[3] = vec4(EncodeDepth(vWorldPos.w), 0.0);
        // Ambient & per-vertex lighting
        vec3 finalColor = vVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef AO
            // If using AO, the vertex light ambient is black, calculate occluded ambient here
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef MATERIAL
            // Add light pre-pass accumulation result
            // Lights are accumulated at half intensity. Bring back to full intensity now
            vec4 lightInput = 2.0 * texture2DProj(sLightBuffer, vScreenPos);
            vec3 lightSpecColor = lightInput.a * lightInput.rgb / max(GetIntensity(lightInput.rgb), 0.001);

            finalColor += lightInput.rgb * diffColor.rgb + lightSpecColor * specColor;

        #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEnvMapColor * textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect(vReflectionVec, normal)).rgb;
        #ifdef LIGHTMAP
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef EMISSIVEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;

        gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);


#version 150
#define MAXBONES 128
#define AMBIENT 
#define DIRLIGHT 
#define PCF_SHADOW 
#define PERPIXEL 
#define SHADOW 
#define GL3
// Use of constant buffers on OpenGL 3 commented out for now as it seems to be slower in practice
//#define USE_CBUFFERS

#if !defined(GL3) || !defined(USE_CBUFFERS)

// OpenGL 2 uniforms (no constant buffers)


// Vertex shader uniforms
uniform vec3 cAmbientStartColor;
uniform vec3 cAmbientEndColor;
uniform mat3 cBillboardRot;
uniform vec3 cCameraPos;
uniform float cNearClip;
uniform float cFarClip;
uniform vec4 cDepthMode;
uniform vec3 cFrustumSize;
uniform float cDeltaTime;
uniform float cElapsedTime;
uniform vec4 cGBufferOffsets;
uniform vec4 cLightPos;
uniform vec3 cLightDir;
uniform vec4 cNormalOffsetScale;
uniform mat4 cModel;
uniform mat4 cView;
uniform mat4 cViewInv;
uniform mat4 cViewProj;
uniform vec4 cUOffset;
uniform vec4 cVOffset;
uniform mat4 cZone;
#if !defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL)
    uniform mat4 cLightMatrices[4];
    uniform highp mat4 cLightMatrices[2];
#ifdef SKINNED
    uniform vec4 cSkinMatrices[MAXBONES*3];
    uniform vec4 cVertexLights[4*3];
#ifdef GL3
    uniform vec4 cClipPlane;


// Fragment shader uniforms
#ifdef GL_ES
    precision mediump float;

uniform vec4 cAmbientColor;
uniform vec3 cCameraPosPS;
uniform float cDeltaTimePS;
uniform vec4 cDepthReconstruct;
uniform float cElapsedTimePS;
uniform vec4 cFogParams;
uniform vec3 cFogColor;
uniform vec2 cGBufferInvSize;
uniform vec4 cLightColor;
uniform vec4 cLightPosPS;
uniform vec3 cLightDirPS;
uniform vec4 cNormalOffsetScalePS;
uniform vec4 cMatDiffColor;
uniform vec3 cMatEmissiveColor;
uniform vec3 cMatEnvMapColor;
uniform vec4 cMatSpecColor;
#ifdef PBR
    uniform float cRoughness;
    uniform float cMetallic;
    uniform float cLightRad;
    uniform float cLightLength;
uniform vec3 cZoneMin;
uniform vec3 cZoneMax;
uniform float cNearClipPS;
uniform float cFarClipPS;
uniform vec4 cShadowCubeAdjust;
uniform vec4 cShadowDepthFade;
uniform vec2 cShadowIntensity;
uniform vec2 cShadowMapInvSize;
uniform vec4 cShadowSplits;
uniform mat4 cLightMatricesPS[4];
uniform vec2 cVSMShadowParams;


// OpenGL 3 uniforms (using constant buffers)


uniform FrameVS
    float cDeltaTime;
    float cElapsedTime;

uniform CameraVS
    vec3 cCameraPos;
    float cNearClip;
    float cFarClip;
    vec4 cDepthMode;
    vec3 cFrustumSize;
    vec4 cGBufferOffsets;
    mat4 cView;
    mat4 cViewInv;
    mat4 cViewProj;
    vec4 cClipPlane;

uniform ZoneVS
    vec3 cAmbientStartColor;
    vec3 cAmbientEndColor;
    mat4 cZone;

uniform LightVS
    vec4 cLightPos;
    vec3 cLightDir;
    vec4 cNormalOffsetScale;
    vec4 cVertexLights[4 * 3];
    mat4 cLightMatrices[4];

uniform MaterialVS
    vec4 cUOffset;
    vec4 cVOffset;

uniform ObjectVS
    mat4 cModel;
    mat3 cBillboardRot;
#ifdef SKINNED
    uniform vec4 cSkinMatrices[MAXBONES*3];



// Pixel shader uniforms
uniform FramePS
    float cDeltaTimePS;
    float cElapsedTimePS;

uniform CameraPS
    vec3 cCameraPosPS;
    vec4 cDepthReconstruct;
    vec2 cGBufferInvSize;
    float cNearClipPS;
    float cFarClipPS;

uniform ZonePS
    vec4 cAmbientColor;
    vec4 cFogParams;
    vec3 cFogColor;
    vec3 cZoneMin;
    vec3 cZoneMax;

uniform LightPS
    vec4 cLightColor;
    vec4 cLightPosPS;
    vec3 cLightDirPS;
    vec4 cNormalOffsetScalePS;
    vec4 cShadowCubeAdjust;
    vec4 cShadowDepthFade;
    vec2 cShadowIntensity;
    vec2 cShadowMapInvSize;
    vec4 cShadowSplits;
    mat4 cLightMatricesPS[4];
    vec2 cVSMShadowParams;
#ifdef PBR
    float cLightRad;
    float cLightLength;

uniform MaterialPS
    vec4 cMatDiffColor;
    vec3 cMatEmissiveColor;
    vec3 cMatEnvMapColor;
    vec4 cMatSpecColor;
#ifdef PBR
    float cRoughness;
    float cMetallic;



uniform sampler2D sDiffMap;
uniform samplerCube sDiffCubeMap;
uniform sampler2D sNormalMap;
uniform sampler2D sSpecMap;
uniform sampler2D sEmissiveMap;
uniform sampler2D sEnvMap;
uniform samplerCube sEnvCubeMap;
uniform sampler2D sLightRampMap;
uniform sampler2D sLightSpotMap;
uniform samplerCube sLightCubeMap;
#ifndef GL_ES
    uniform sampler3D sVolumeMap;
    uniform sampler2D sAlbedoBuffer;
    uniform sampler2D sNormalBuffer;
    uniform sampler2D sDepthBuffer;
    uniform sampler2D sLightBuffer;
    #ifdef VSM_SHADOW
        uniform sampler2D sShadowMap;
        uniform sampler2DShadow sShadowMap;
    uniform samplerCube sFaceSelectCubeMap;
    uniform samplerCube sIndirectionCubeMap;
    uniform samplerCube sZoneCubeMap;
    uniform sampler3D sZoneVolumeMap;
    uniform highp sampler2D sShadowMap;

#ifdef GL3
#define texture2D texture
#define texture2DProj textureProj
#define texture3D texture
#define textureCube texture
#define texture2DLod textureLod
#define texture2DLodOffset textureLodOffset

vec3 DecodeNormal(vec4 normalInput)
        vec3 normal;
        normal.xy = normalInput.ag * 2.0 - 1.0;
        normal.z = sqrt(max(1.0 - dot(normal.xy, normal.xy), 0.0));
        return normal;
        return normalize(normalInput.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0);

vec3 EncodeDepth(float depth)
    #ifndef GL3
        vec3 ret;
        depth *= 255.0;
        ret.x = floor(depth);
        depth = (depth - ret.x) * 255.0;
        ret.y = floor(depth);
        ret.z = (depth - ret.y);
        ret.xy *= 1.0 / 255.0;
        return ret;
        // OpenGL 3 can use different MRT formats, so no need for encoding
        return vec3(depth, 0.0, 0.0);

float DecodeDepth(vec3 depth)
    #ifndef GL3
        const vec3 dotValues = vec3(1.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / (255.0 * 255.0));
        return dot(depth, dotValues);
        // OpenGL 3 can use different MRT formats, so no need for encoding
        return depth.r;

float ReconstructDepth(float hwDepth)
    return dot(vec2(hwDepth, cDepthReconstruct.y / (hwDepth - cDepthReconstruct.x)), cDepthReconstruct.zw);


// Silence WARNING: Shader ... does not use the define NOUV
#ifdef NOUV

// Silence GLSL 150 deprecation warnings
#ifdef GL3
#define attribute in
#define varying out

attribute vec4 iPos;
attribute vec3 iNormal;
attribute vec4 iColor;
attribute vec2 iTexCoord;
attribute vec2 iTexCoord1;
attribute vec4 iTangent;
attribute vec4 iBlendWeights;
attribute vec4 iBlendIndices;
attribute vec3 iCubeTexCoord;
attribute vec4 iCubeTexCoord1;
    attribute vec4 iTexCoord4;
    attribute vec4 iTexCoord5;
    attribute vec4 iTexCoord6;
attribute float iObjectIndex;

#ifdef SKINNED
mat4 GetSkinMatrix(vec4 blendWeights, vec4 blendIndices)
    ivec4 idx = ivec4(blendIndices) * 3;
    const vec4 lastColumn = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    return mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.x], cSkinMatrices[idx.x + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.x + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.x +
        mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.y], cSkinMatrices[idx.y + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.y + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.y +
        mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.z], cSkinMatrices[idx.z + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.z + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.z +
        mat4(cSkinMatrices[idx.w], cSkinMatrices[idx.w + 1], cSkinMatrices[idx.w + 2], lastColumn) * blendWeights.w;

mat4 GetInstanceMatrix()
    const vec4 lastColumn = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    return mat4(iTexCoord4, iTexCoord5, iTexCoord6, lastColumn);

mat3 GetNormalMatrix(mat4 modelMatrix)
    return mat3(modelMatrix[0].xyz, modelMatrix[1].xyz, modelMatrix[2].xyz);

vec2 GetTexCoord(vec2 texCoord)
    return vec2(dot(texCoord, cUOffset.xy) + cUOffset.w, dot(texCoord, cVOffset.xy) + cVOffset.w);

vec4 GetClipPos(vec3 worldPos)
    vec4 ret = vec4(worldPos, 1.0) * cViewProj;
    // While getting the clip coordinate, also automatically set gl_ClipVertex for user clip planes
    #if !defined(GL_ES) && !defined(GL3)
        gl_ClipVertex = ret;
    #elif defined(GL3)
        gl_ClipDistance[0] = dot(cClipPlane, ret);
    return ret;

float GetZonePos(vec3 worldPos)
    return clamp((vec4(worldPos, 1.0) * cZone).z, 0.0, 1.0);

float GetDepth(vec4 clipPos)
    return dot(clipPos.zw, cDepthMode.zw);

vec3 GetBillboardPos(vec4 iPos, vec2 iSize, mat4 modelMatrix)
    return (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz + vec3(iSize.x, iSize.y, 0.0) * cBillboardRot;

vec3 GetBillboardNormal()
    return vec3(-cBillboardRot[0][2], -cBillboardRot[1][2], -cBillboardRot[2][2]);

mat3 GetFaceCameraRotation(vec3 position, vec3 direction)
    vec3 cameraDir = normalize(position - cCameraPos);
    vec3 front = normalize(direction);
    vec3 right = normalize(cross(front, cameraDir));
    vec3 up = normalize(cross(front, right));

    return mat3(
        right.x, up.x, front.x,
        right.y, up.y, front.y,
        right.z, up.z, front.z

vec3 GetBillboardPos(vec4 iPos, vec3 iDirection, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 worldPos = (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz;
    return worldPos + vec3(iTexCoord1.x, 0.0, iTexCoord1.y) * GetFaceCameraRotation(worldPos, iDirection);

vec3 GetBillboardNormal(vec4 iPos, vec3 iDirection, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 worldPos = (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz;
    return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * GetFaceCameraRotation(worldPos, iDirection);

vec3 GetTrailPos(vec4 iPos, vec3 iFront, float iScale, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 up = normalize(cCameraPos - iPos.xyz);
    vec3 right = normalize(cross(iFront, up));
    return (vec4((iPos.xyz + right * iScale), 1.0) * modelMatrix).xyz;

vec3 GetTrailNormal(vec4 iPos)
    return normalize(cCameraPos - iPos.xyz);

vec3 GetTrailPos(vec4 iPos, vec3 iParentPos, float iScale, mat4 modelMatrix)
    vec3 right = iParentPos - iPos.xyz;
    return (vec4((iPos.xyz + right * iScale), 1.0) * modelMatrix).xyz;

vec3 GetTrailNormal(vec4 iPos, vec3 iParentPos, vec3 iForward)
    vec3 left = normalize(iPos.xyz - iParentPos);
    vec3 up = normalize(cross(normalize(iForward), left));
    return up;

#if defined(SKINNED)
    #define iModelMatrix GetSkinMatrix(iBlendWeights, iBlendIndices)
#elif defined(INSTANCED)
    #define iModelMatrix GetInstanceMatrix()
    #define iModelMatrix cModel

vec3 GetWorldPos(mat4 modelMatrix)
    #if defined(BILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardPos(iPos, iTexCoord1, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(DIRBILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardPos(iPos, iNormal, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(TRAILFACECAM)
        return GetTrailPos(iPos, iTangent.xyz, iTangent.w, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(TRAILBONE)
        return GetTrailPos(iPos, iTangent.xyz, iTangent.w, modelMatrix);
        return (iPos * modelMatrix).xyz;

vec3 GetWorldNormal(mat4 modelMatrix)
    #if defined(BILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardNormal();
    #elif defined(DIRBILLBOARD)
        return GetBillboardNormal(iPos, iNormal, modelMatrix);
    #elif defined(TRAILFACECAM)
        return GetTrailNormal(iPos);
    #elif defined(TRAILBONE)
        return GetTrailNormal(iPos, iTangent.xyz, iNormal);
        return normalize(iNormal * GetNormalMatrix(modelMatrix));

vec4 GetWorldTangent(mat4 modelMatrix)
    #if defined(BILLBOARD)
        return vec4(normalize(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * cBillboardRot), 1.0);
    #elif defined(DIRBILLBOARD)
        return vec4(normalize(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * GetNormalMatrix(modelMatrix)), 1.0);
        return vec4(normalize(iTangent.xyz * GetNormalMatrix(modelMatrix)), iTangent.w);


// Silence GLSL 150 deprecation warnings
#ifdef GL3
#define varying in

#ifndef MRT_COUNT

#if defined(DEFERRED)
#define MRT_COUNT 4
#elif defined(PREPASS)
#define MRT_COUNT 2
#define MRT_COUNT 1


out vec4 fragData[MRT_COUNT];

#define gl_FragColor fragData[0]
#define gl_FragData fragData


mat3 GetCameraRot()
    return mat3(cViewInv[0][0], cViewInv[0][1], cViewInv[0][2],
        cViewInv[1][0], cViewInv[1][1], cViewInv[1][2],
        cViewInv[2][0], cViewInv[2][1], cViewInv[2][2]);

vec4 GetScreenPos(vec4 clipPos)
    return vec4(
        clipPos.x * cGBufferOffsets.z + cGBufferOffsets.x * clipPos.w,
        clipPos.y * cGBufferOffsets.w + cGBufferOffsets.y * clipPos.w,

vec2 GetScreenPosPreDiv(vec4 clipPos)
    return vec2(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * cGBufferOffsets.z + cGBufferOffsets.x,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * cGBufferOffsets.w + cGBufferOffsets.y);

vec2 GetQuadTexCoord(vec4 clipPos)
    return vec2(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * 0.5 + 0.5,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * 0.5 + 0.5);

vec2 GetQuadTexCoordNoFlip(vec3 worldPos)
    return vec2(
        worldPos.x * 0.5 + 0.5,
        -worldPos.y * 0.5 + 0.5);

vec3 GetFarRay(vec4 clipPos)
    vec3 viewRay = vec3(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.x,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.y,

    return viewRay * GetCameraRot();

vec3 GetNearRay(vec4 clipPos)
    vec3 viewRay = vec3(
        clipPos.x / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.x,
        clipPos.y / clipPos.w * cFrustumSize.y,

    return (viewRay * GetCameraRot()) * cDepthMode.x;

vec3 GetAmbient(float zonePos)
    return cAmbientStartColor + zonePos * cAmbientEndColor;

float GetVertexLight(int index, vec3 worldPos, vec3 normal)
    vec3 lightDir = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].xyz;
    vec3 lightPos = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].xyz;
    float invRange = cVertexLights[index * 3].w;
    float cutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].w;
    float invCutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].w;

    // Directional light
    if (invRange == 0.0)
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            float NdotL = abs(dot(normal, lightDir));
            float NdotL = max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);
        return NdotL;
    // Point/spot light
        vec3 lightVec = (lightPos - worldPos) * invRange;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        vec3 localDir = lightVec / lightDist;
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            float NdotL = abs(dot(normal, localDir));
            float NdotL = max(dot(normal, localDir), 0.0);
        float atten = clamp(1.0 - lightDist * lightDist, 0.0, 1.0);
        float spotEffect = dot(localDir, lightDir);
        float spotAtten = clamp((spotEffect - cutoff) * invCutoff, 0.0, 1.0);
        return NdotL * atten * spotAtten;

float GetVertexLightVolumetric(int index, vec3 worldPos)
    vec3 lightDir = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].xyz;
    vec3 lightPos = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].xyz;
    float invRange = cVertexLights[index * 3].w;
    float cutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 1].w;
    float invCutoff = cVertexLights[index * 3 + 2].w;

    // Directional light
    if (invRange == 0.0)
        return 1.0;
    // Point/spot light
        vec3 lightVec = (lightPos - worldPos) * invRange;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        vec3 localDir = lightVec / lightDist;
        float atten = clamp(1.0 - lightDist * lightDist, 0.0, 1.0);
        float spotEffect = dot(localDir, lightDir);
        float spotAtten = clamp((spotEffect - cutoff) * invCutoff, 0.0, 1.0);
        return atten * spotAtten;

#ifdef SHADOW

#if defined(DIRLIGHT) && (!defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL))
    #define NUMCASCADES 4
    #define NUMCASCADES 1

vec4 GetShadowPos(int index, vec3 normal, vec4 projWorldPos)
        float normalOffsetScale[4];
        normalOffsetScale[0] = cNormalOffsetScale.x;
        normalOffsetScale[1] = cNormalOffsetScale.y;
        normalOffsetScale[2] = cNormalOffsetScale.z;
        normalOffsetScale[3] = cNormalOffsetScale.w;

        #ifdef DIRLIGHT
            float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, cLightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
            float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, normalize(cLightPos.xyz - projWorldPos.xyz)), 0.0, 1.0);
        projWorldPos.xyz += cosAngle * normalOffsetScale[index] * normal;

    #if defined(DIRLIGHT)
        return projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[index];
    #elif defined(SPOTLIGHT)
        return projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[1];
        return vec4(projWorldPos.xyz - cLightPos.xyz, 1.0);


float GetDiffuse(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    #ifdef DIRLIGHT
        lightDir = cLightDirPS;
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            return abs(dot(normal, lightDir));
            return max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);
        vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        lightDir = lightVec / lightDist;
        #ifdef TRANSLUCENT
            return abs(dot(normal, lightDir)) * texture2D(sLightRampMap, vec2(lightDist, 0.0)).r;
            return max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0) * texture2D(sLightRampMap, vec2(lightDist, 0.0)).r;

float GetAtten(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    lightDir = cLightDirPS;
    return clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0);

float GetAttenPoint(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
    float lightDist = length(lightVec);
    float falloff = pow(clamp(1.0 - pow(lightDist / 1.0, 4.0), 0.0, 1.0), 2.0) * 3.14159265358979323846 / (4.0 * 3.14159265358979323846)*(pow(lightDist, 2.0) + 1.0);
    lightDir = lightVec / lightDist;
    return clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0) * falloff;


float GetAttenSpot(vec3 normal, vec3 worldPos, out vec3 lightDir)
    vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
    float lightDist = length(lightVec);
    float falloff = pow(clamp(1.0 - pow(lightDist / 1.0, 4.0), 0.0, 1.0), 2.0) / (pow(lightDist, 2.0) + 1.0);

    lightDir = lightVec / lightDist;
    return clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0) * falloff;


float GetDiffuseVolumetric(vec3 worldPos)
    #ifdef DIRLIGHT
        return 1.0;
        vec3 lightVec = (cLightPosPS.xyz - worldPos) * cLightPosPS.w;
        float lightDist = length(lightVec);
        return texture2D(sLightRampMap, vec2(lightDist, 0.0)).r;

float GetSpecular(vec3 normal, vec3 eyeVec, vec3 lightDir, float specularPower)
    vec3 halfVec = normalize(normalize(eyeVec) + lightDir);  
    return pow(max(dot(normal, halfVec), 0.0), specularPower);

float GetIntensity(vec3 color)
    return dot(color, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));

#ifdef SHADOW

#if defined(DIRLIGHT) && (!defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL))
    #define NUMCASCADES 4
    #define NUMCASCADES 1

float ReduceLightBleeding(float min, float p_max)  
    return clamp((p_max - min) / (1.0 - min), 0.0, 1.0);  

float Chebyshev(vec2 Moments, float depth)  
    //One-tailed inequality valid if depth > Moments.x  
    float p = float(depth <= Moments.x);  
    //Compute variance.  
    float Variance = Moments.y - (Moments.x * Moments.x); 

    float minVariance = cVSMShadowParams.x;
    Variance = max(Variance, minVariance);
    //Compute probabilistic upper bound.  
    float d = depth - Moments.x;  
    float p_max = Variance / (Variance + d*d); 
    // Prevent light bleeding
    p_max = ReduceLightBleeding(cVSMShadowParams.y, p_max);

    return max(p, p_max);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetShadow(vec4 shadowPos)
    #if defined(SIMPLE_SHADOW)
        // Take one sample
        #ifndef GL3
            float inLight = shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r;
            float inLight = textureProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos);
        return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * inLight;
    #elif defined(PCF_SHADOW)
        // Take four samples and average them
        // Note: in case of sampling a point light cube shadow, we optimize out the w divide as it has already been performed
        #ifndef POINTLIGHT
            vec2 offsets = cShadowMapInvSize * shadowPos.w;
            vec2 offsets = cShadowMapInvSize;
        #ifndef GL3
            return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * (shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r +
                shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x + offsets.x, shadowPos.yzw)).r +
                shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x, shadowPos.y + offsets.y, shadowPos.zw)).r +
                shadow2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.xy + offsets.xy, shadowPos.zw)).r);
            return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * (textureProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos) +
                textureProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x + offsets.x, shadowPos.yzw)) +
                textureProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x, shadowPos.y + offsets.y, shadowPos.zw)) +
                textureProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.xy + offsets.xy, shadowPos.zw)));
    #elif defined(VSM_SHADOW)
        vec2 samples = texture2D(sShadowMap, shadowPos.xy / shadowPos.w).rg; 
        return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * Chebyshev(samples, shadowPos.z / shadowPos.w);
float GetShadow(highp vec4 shadowPos)
    #if defined(SIMPLE_SHADOW)
        // Take one sample
        return cShadowIntensity.y + (texture2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z ? cShadowIntensity.x : 0.0);
    #elif defined(PCF_SHADOW)
        // Take four samples and average them
        vec2 offsets = cShadowMapInvSize * shadowPos.w;
        vec4 inLight = vec4(
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, shadowPos).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z,
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x + offsets.x, shadowPos.yzw)).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z,
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.x, shadowPos.y + offsets.y, shadowPos.zw)).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z,
            texture2DProj(sShadowMap, vec4(shadowPos.xy + offsets.xy, shadowPos.zw)).r * shadowPos.w > shadowPos.z
        return cShadowIntensity.y + dot(inLight, vec4(cShadowIntensity.x));
    #elif defined(VSM_SHADOW)
        vec2 samples = texture2D(sShadowMap, shadowPos.xy / shadowPos.w).rg; 
        return cShadowIntensity.y + cShadowIntensity.x * Chebyshev(samples, shadowPos.z / shadowPos.w);

float GetPointShadow(vec3 lightVec)
    vec3 axis = textureCube(sFaceSelectCubeMap, lightVec).rgb;
    float depth = abs(dot(lightVec, axis));

    // Expand the maximum component of the light vector to get full 0.0 - 1.0 UV range from the cube map,
    // and to avoid sampling across faces. Some GPU's filter across faces, while others do not, and in this
    // case filtering across faces is wrong
    const vec3 factor = vec3(1.0 / 256.0);
    lightVec += factor * axis * lightVec;

    // Read the 2D UV coordinates, adjust according to shadow map size and add face offset
    vec4 indirectPos = textureCube(sIndirectionCubeMap, lightVec);
    indirectPos.xy *= cShadowCubeAdjust.xy;
    indirectPos.xy += vec2(cShadowCubeAdjust.z + indirectPos.z * 0.5, cShadowCubeAdjust.w + indirectPos.w);

    vec4 shadowPos = vec4(indirectPos.xy, cShadowDepthFade.x + cShadowDepthFade.y / depth, 1.0);
    return GetShadow(shadowPos);

float GetDirShadowFade(float inLight, float depth)
    return min(inLight + max((depth - cShadowDepthFade.z) * cShadowDepthFade.w, 0.0), 1.0);

#if !defined(GL_ES) || defined(WEBGL)
float GetDirShadow(const vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
    vec4 shadowPos;

    if (depth < cShadowSplits.x)
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[0];
    else if (depth < cShadowSplits.y)
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[1];
    else if (depth < cShadowSplits.z)
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[2];
        shadowPos = iShadowPos[3];
    return GetDirShadowFade(GetShadow(shadowPos), depth);
float GetDirShadow(const highp vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
    return GetDirShadowFade(GetShadow(iShadowPos[0]), depth);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetDirShadowDeferred(vec4 projWorldPos, vec3 normal, float depth)
    vec4 shadowPos;

        float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, cLightDirPS), 0.0, 1.0);
        if (depth < cShadowSplits.x)
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.x * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[0];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.y)
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.y * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[1];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.z)
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.z * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[2];
            shadowPos = vec4(projWorldPos.xyz + cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.w * normal, 1.0) * cLightMatricesPS[3];
        if (depth < cShadowSplits.x)
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[0];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.y)
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[1];
        else if (depth < cShadowSplits.z)
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[2];
            shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[3];

    return GetDirShadowFade(GetShadow(shadowPos), depth);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetShadow(const vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
float GetShadow(const highp vec4 iShadowPos[NUMCASCADES], float depth)
    #if defined(DIRLIGHT)
        return GetDirShadow(iShadowPos, depth);
    #elif defined(SPOTLIGHT)
        return GetShadow(iShadowPos[0]);
        return GetPointShadow(iShadowPos[0].xyz);

#ifndef GL_ES
float GetShadowDeferred(vec4 projWorldPos, vec3 normal, float depth)
    #ifdef DIRLIGHT
        return GetDirShadowDeferred(projWorldPos, normal, depth);
        #ifdef NORMALOFFSET
            float cosAngle = clamp(1.0 - dot(normal, normalize(cLightPosPS.xyz - projWorldPos.xyz)), 0.0, 1.0);
            projWorldPos.xyz += cosAngle * cNormalOffsetScalePS.x * normal;

        #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
            vec4 shadowPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatricesPS[1];
            return GetShadow(shadowPos);
            vec3 shadowPos = projWorldPos.xyz - cLightPosPS.xyz;
            return GetPointShadow(shadowPos);

vec3 GetFog(vec3 color, float fogFactor)
    return mix(cFogColor, color, fogFactor);

vec3 GetLitFog(vec3 color, float fogFactor)
    return color * fogFactor;

float GetFogFactor(float depth)
    return clamp((cFogParams.x - depth) * cFogParams.y, 0.0, 1.0);

float GetHeightFogFactor(float depth, float height)
    float fogFactor = GetFogFactor(depth);
    float heightFogFactor = (height - cFogParams.z) * cFogParams.w;
    heightFogFactor = 1.0 - clamp(exp(-(heightFogFactor * heightFogFactor)), 0.0, 1.0);
    return min(heightFogFactor, fogFactor);

    varying vec4 vTexCoord;
    varying vec4 vTangent;
    varying vec2 vTexCoord;
varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec4 vWorldPos;
    varying vec4 vColor;
    #ifdef SHADOW
        #ifndef GL_ES
            varying vec4 vShadowPos[NUMCASCADES];
            varying highp vec4 vShadowPos[NUMCASCADES];
    #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
        varying vec4 vSpotPos;
    #ifdef POINTLIGHT
        varying vec3 vCubeMaskVec;
    varying vec3 vVertexLight;
    varying vec4 vScreenPos;
    #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
        varying vec3 vReflectionVec;
    #if defined(LIGHTMAP) || defined(AO)
        varying vec2 vTexCoord2;

/*void VS()
    mat4 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
    vec3 worldPos = GetWorldPos(modelMatrix);
    gl_Position = GetClipPos(worldPos);
    vNormal = GetWorldNormal(modelMatrix);
    vWorldPos = vec4(worldPos, GetDepth(gl_Position));

    #ifdef VERTEXCOLOR
        vColor = iColor;

    #ifdef NORMALMAP
        vec4 tangent = GetWorldTangent(modelMatrix);
        vec3 bitangent = cross(tangent.xyz, vNormal) * tangent.w;
        vTexCoord = vec4(GetTexCoord(iTexCoord), bitangent.xy);
        vTangent = vec4(tangent.xyz, bitangent.z);
        vTexCoord = GetTexCoord(iTexCoord);

    #ifdef PERPIXEL
        // Per-pixel forward lighting
        vec4 projWorldPos = vec4(worldPos, 1.0);

        #ifdef SHADOW
            // Shadow projection: transform from world space to shadow space
            for (int i = 0; i < NUMCASCADES; i++)
                vShadowPos[i] = GetShadowPos(i, vNormal, projWorldPos);

        #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
            // Spotlight projection: transform from world space to projector texture coordinates
            vSpotPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[0];
        #ifdef POINTLIGHT
            vCubeMaskVec = (worldPos - cLightPos.xyz) * mat3(cLightMatrices[0][0].xyz, cLightMatrices[0][1].xyz, cLightMatrices[0][2].xyz);
        // Ambient & per-vertex lighting
        #if defined(LIGHTMAP) || defined(AO)
            // If using lightmap, disregard zone ambient light
            // If using AO, calculate ambient in the PS
            vVertexLight = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            vTexCoord2 = iTexCoord1;
            vVertexLight = GetAmbient(GetZonePos(worldPos));
        #ifdef NUMVERTEXLIGHTS
            for (int i = 0; i < NUMVERTEXLIGHTS; ++i)
                vVertexLight += GetVertexLight(i, worldPos, vNormal) * cVertexLights[i * 3].rgb;
        vScreenPos = GetScreenPos(gl_Position);

        #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
            vReflectionVec = worldPos - cCameraPos;

void main()
    // Get material diffuse albedo
    #ifdef DIFFMAP
        vec4 diffInput = texture2D(sDiffMap, vTexCoord.xy);
        #ifdef ALPHAMASK
            if (diffInput.a < 0.5)
        vec4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor * diffInput;
        vec4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor;

    #ifdef VERTEXCOLOR
        diffColor *= vColor;
    // Get material specular albedo
    #ifdef SPECMAP
        vec3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb * texture2D(sSpecMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
        vec3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb;

    // Get normal
    #ifdef NORMALMAP
        mat3 tbn = mat3(vTangent.xyz, vec3(vTexCoord.zw, vTangent.w), vNormal);
        vec3 normal = normalize(tbn * DecodeNormal(texture2D(sNormalMap, vTexCoord.xy)));
        vec3 normal = normalize(vNormal);

    // Get fog factor
    #ifdef HEIGHTFOG
        float fogFactor = GetHeightFogFactor(vWorldPos.w, vWorldPos.y);
        float fogFactor = GetFogFactor(vWorldPos.w);

    #if defined(PERPIXEL)
        // Per-pixel forward lighting
        vec3 lightColor;
        vec3 lightDir;
        vec3 finalColor;

        float diff = GetDiffuse(normal, vWorldPos.xyz, lightDir);

        #ifdef SHADOW
            diff *= GetShadow(vShadowPos, vWorldPos.w);
        #if defined(SPOTLIGHT)
            lightColor = vSpotPos.w > 0.0 ? texture2DProj(sLightSpotMap, vSpotPos).rgb * cLightColor.rgb : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        #elif defined(CUBEMASK)
            lightColor = textureCube(sLightCubeMap, vCubeMaskVec).rgb * cLightColor.rgb;
            lightColor = cLightColor.rgb;
        #ifdef SPECULAR
            float spec = GetSpecular(normal, cCameraPosPS - vWorldPos.xyz, lightDir, cMatSpecColor.a);
            finalColor = diff * lightColor * (diffColor.rgb + spec * specColor * cLightColor.a);
            finalColor = diff * lightColor * diffColor.rgb;

        #ifdef AMBIENT
            finalColor += cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
            gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
            gl_FragColor = vec4(GetLitFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
    #elif defined(PREPASS)
        // Fill light pre-pass G-Buffer
        float specPower = cMatSpecColor.a / 255.0;

        gl_FragData[0] = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, specPower);
        gl_FragData[1] = vec4(EncodeDepth(vWorldPos.w), 0.0);
    #elif defined(DEFERRED)
        // Fill deferred G-buffer
        float specIntensity = specColor.g;
        float specPower = cMatSpecColor.a / 255.0;

        vec3 finalColor = vVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef AO
            // If using AO, the vertex light ambient is black, calculate occluded ambient here
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;

        #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEnvMapColor * textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect(vReflectionVec, normal)).rgb;
        #ifdef LIGHTMAP
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef EMISSIVEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;

        gl_FragData[0] = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), 1.0);
        gl_FragData[1] = fogFactor * vec4(diffColor.rgb, specIntensity);
        gl_FragData[2] = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, specPower);
        gl_FragData[3] = vec4(EncodeDepth(vWorldPos.w), 0.0);
        // Ambient & per-vertex lighting
        vec3 finalColor = vVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef AO
            // If using AO, the vertex light ambient is black, calculate occluded ambient here
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * cAmbientColor.rgb * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef MATERIAL
            // Add light pre-pass accumulation result
            // Lights are accumulated at half intensity. Bring back to full intensity now
            vec4 lightInput = 2.0 * texture2DProj(sLightBuffer, vScreenPos);
            vec3 lightSpecColor = lightInput.a * lightInput.rgb / max(GetIntensity(lightInput.rgb), 0.001);

            finalColor += lightInput.rgb * diffColor.rgb + lightSpecColor * specColor;

        #ifdef ENVCUBEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEnvMapColor * textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect(vReflectionVec, normal)).rgb;
        #ifdef LIGHTMAP
            finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * diffColor.rgb;
        #ifdef EMISSIVEMAP
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
            finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;

        gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);